Win Your Ex Back – Fast and Easy

8th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Sometimes in life it happens that a relationship comes to an end and the pain people experience is terrible.It feels like this hole cannot get any deeper, you feel sad, alone, foolish, angry, irritated etc. You feel you want the relationship back the way it was, you seriously feel that you want your ex back.Before you make a decision ask yourself “ Is this relationship even worth saving and do I Want My Ex Back?”.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you intimate on a regular basis?
  • If you had to create a short list of people you could spend the day with, would your partner be on that list?
  • Or are you dissatisfied or irritated with your intimacy?
  • Do you express a lot of warmth and enjoyment for each other?
  • Do you fully enjoy each others company?
  • Can you count on your partner for help when the going gets tough?
  • Do you feel that your partner will be there for you in a time of need?
  • Does your partner make you feel understood?
  • Do the two of you want the same things out of life?
  • When you disagree with each other, do the two of you work together and try to resolve your differences?

Spending some time alone and answering these questions can be an eye opener. Think back over time how everything was not ignoring the bad parts, write down everything so you can get a clear perspective.

Take some more time to make two columns, then write down the positive and negative things about your ex and what the relationship was like.Now spend some time and compare the two lists.Do the positive outweigh the negative? Now is the time to be brutally honest with yourself.Are there more negative or positive aspects here? Can you have a fulfilling relationship if the negative points are greater?If the negative aspects cannot be changed then are you willing to go back to your ex?

What advice would you have given to a complete stranger if they were in your shoes? Now is the stage and time to be completely and utterly honest with yourself. The most common thing is that people who feel hurt and alone ignore the negative side and sign up for only more problems in a bad relationship.

Here and now you must make a choice if you are willing to fight and get your ex partner back. Now that you have asked the questions, weighed up the good and bad and you feel there is some hope left take action and get your ex back. So now the time has come to get a plan into action and fight for your partner and Win Your Ex Back.

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