Body Cleansing – Clean Your Body And Feel Refreshed

29th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Between the ages of 13 and 16, both boys and girls are developing and turning into young men and women. It is vitally important for their self-esteem to look their best, and even more importantly for them to feel physically full of energy and enthusiasm for their lives. This takes a little help from parents and friends and a total body cleanse should only be considered if using the minimum requirements needed to achieve it.

Purely for physical health reasons, a cleanse can help a young adult overcome several of the problems that target that age group. They must be willing to follow the program designed for them and any fasting periods need supervising by a responsible adult. Care must be taken to not let any bulimia episodes occur, which teenagers may mistakenly believe helps lose weight.

The teenager will have to abide to the rules and these should be made clear before any attempt at starting it begins. A commitment is needed from them to follow the guidelines set down and to complete the course. Communication needs to be open and honest as it does involve their physical well being. The monitoring of the fast should not be an intrusive experience for them and if everything goes well, the guardian – child relationship will grow in trust.

Begin with supplying an endless amount of peppermint and spearmint tea. This is a very nice hot herbal drink but can also be drunk with ice as a refreshing cold drink. The qualities of the herbs start to work on the digestive tract straight away. It helps to alleviate acidity in the stomach too, bringing alkalinity back in to balance it all out. Very quickly, the halitosis is dealt with and the teen has learned how to cope with it themselves.

When gaining maturity, teens like to have control of their own destinies and so adding a little responsibility in the detox program will benefit them in more ways then one. Alerts could be set with them so that they immediately tell a parent if any signs of fatigue or illness happen while on the diet or when fasting. The fast should also only last a day or two because of their age. If they need to cheat, then raw fruits and vegetables will be ok for them to eat.

As most teens will eat everything and anything, keeping the diet interesting with new tastes and food that is presented well gives and incentive to keep on it. Lovely fruit platters, dried fruits, smoothies, juices, a variety of salads, all of these will please the palate. Staying away from foods, a person is used to is the hardest test. Soup without bread means the stomach is not getting the usual full type feeling associated with eating that food. This is why the original commitment should be kept in mind to help get past those trying times.

A few things they can learn along the way include tips for their general well being. When to take a fast and ensuring they have supervision and what simple remedies, herbal and other items available at the local pharmacy, can assist to heal or cure certain conditions such as bad breath and acne. This is a perfect learning condition for the teenager to gain wisdom of their bodies through their own life experiences, all done with a little help from mom and dad.

A good dose of will power is needed to help them see it through to the end of the week. Slowly reintroduce heavier foods back into their diet, like dairy, meat and breads. Overall, participating in a body cleansing should not be an event full of suffering. It is meant to be a health benefit to get their bodies in peak working order. If their minds are not adjusting to the benefits of the process then it is best to try something simpler than a body cleansing.

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