What Is Colon Irrigation

28th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

colonic hydrotherapy is a form of colon cleansing composed of an enema kit that injects water or other liquids into the gut in order to wash out the contents of the large intestine. In a few cases, herbs are added to the liquid.

Practitioners believe that the waste accumulating along the walls of the large intestine putrefy and cultivate pathogens and bugs, leading to nonspecific sicknesses and a poorer state of health and that the practice of colon hydrotherapy helps to eliminate these accumulations, leading to better general fitness. Colonic Hydrotherapy Described For Colon Cleansing

Colon hydrotherapy is commonly performed under the iris of a trained colonic therapist, although there are other treatments that can be self-administered.

Some doctors will suggest a colon cleansing as preparation for a medical examination of the colon, but they only occasionally recommend one for better health or to prevent disease as it is viewed as apointless procedure, since the gut typically gets shot of waste material and bacteria by itself without the requirement for enemas or special dieting and pills.

Colon hydrotherapy may even meddle with your bodys natural liquid and electrolyte balance. This can lead to dehydration and unnecessary cleansing has been announced to lead to larger Problems like anemia, starvation or protracted bowel obstruction. Some cases of colon hydrotherapy have been associated with coronaries and heart failure. The herbal additives used in colon cleanings might also meddle with drug absorption as well as have possible adverse reactions with other drugs.

Most doctors advocate against colon hydrotherapy, citing a diet loaded in fiber and consistant consumption of water will help prevent hard stools and other colon-related issues. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration controls the production of colon cleansing clobber, though not their use. Several warnings have been sent to makers of colon cleansing equipment citing false claims of effectiveness, as well as other issues of safety.


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Posted on: April 28, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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