High Fiber Bowel Cleaning

27th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

High fiber colon cleansing should be a daily focus to keep the colon healthy. This is best accomplished by a healthy diet and good nourishment.

taking a liking for high fiber colon cleansing foods can be tricky, especially if multi-grain and raw plants are not the standard daily part of the diet. It neednt be. Cleanse Your Colon Using High Fiber Diet

These foods, prepared and presented properly, provide large quantities of vitamins and minerals in natural form, as well as the benefit to colon cleansing.

Some of the foodstuffs considered high fiber carrots, celery, oats, barley, lentils, as well as many fresh fruits like apples, grapes, oranges, pomegranates and pears. Do not forget dried fruits like figs, apricots and dates. Adding these foods to a regular cuisine isnt difficult.

Many soups and stews are made with carrots, celery, parsley, lentils and barley. Lentils can also be employed in salads. Its necessary to be creative when adding high fiber colon cleansing foods to the diet.

  • Vegetable Dips
  • Fresh Fruits
  • Lentils

Nothing is heartier on a cold day than a mushroom barley soup. Cold carrot soup in hot weather is refreshing. Rather than plain oatmeal for breakfast, add a hint of honey. Oats can also be used as a filler in meatloaf and chickens or other types of stuffing. Mix oats and cornmeal for coating chicken and chops.

Lentils are superb in an Italian style soup with tomatoes, green pepper and garlic. All high fiber colon cleansing ingredients.

Being creative with high fiber colon cleansing foods can be easy too. Instead of nibbling on high-sodium foods, slice carrot, celery, scallion, raw broccoli and cauliflower into snack-sized pieces and serve with a vegetable dip. This gives a whole days worth of high fiber colon cleansing food in one break.

Make the show tempting by serving on a colorful plate, togetherwith the dip. Vegetable dips can be made of fresh high fiber foods as well by simply pureeing them and adding pepper and salt, a dash of lemon juice and olive oil. Keep these vegetables on hand in the chiller crisper for those between meal nibbles.


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Posted on: April 27, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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