A Manual to Acne Medication

23rd April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Today, due to advancements made in the medical field and extensive research conducted over the past two decades, acne of any proportion can be comforted. A variety of treatments are accessible for mild to severe acne. It is an irrefutable fact that there is no treatment that can completely chuck out acne. Acne treatments give you relief from acne’s symptoms by preventing the formation of novel spots, relieving those that are already present , and keeping away scarring. Once you think that you are not in control of your acne, you should consult a dermatologist and seek his or her support.

You can do certain things to keep your acne in check. Washing your acne affected areas or areas susceptible to acne twice a day using a cleanser is one of them. Cleansing will keep your skin free of dust and other impurities and lessen the spreading of acne. It is desirable to use soaps for cleansing as the oil content in soaps will keep the skin nourishing. The soap you chose should be gentle to the skin and should not give rise to irritation or skin discoloration. Be vigilant not to treat your skin in a harsh manner while washing.

A long and diverse list of medications is available to treat acne. Numerous mild acne medications are on offer from pharmacies that can be bought without a dermatologist’s direction.Usually , antibacterial agents such as benzoyl peroxide are present in these over-the-counter medications. Benzoyl peroxide can also work to encourage superficial skin layer shedding.This, along with its antibacterial properties can reduce the chances of pores getting blocked thus dipping infection.

If over-the-counter medications are not helpful, you should consult a dermatologist. Creams and lotions are amongst the solutions presented by your dermatologist. Creams and lotions include Azelaic acid, Retinoids, and antibiotic lotions like clindamycin and erythromycin. The impression of creams and lotions may not last too long and they only take care of the particular area that you have applied them. Therefore, apply them daily to every part of your body that is affected with or susceptible to acne.

Your dermatologist may prescribe oral treatments for you as well. Antibiotics maybe recommended for acne that causes inflammation. As antibiotics are inefficient at preventing pore blocking, medications like benzoyl peroxide, which is helpful in preventing blackheads may also be prescribed along with them. Certain oral contraceptive tablets assist acne affected women. Isotretinoin, which works by eliminating oily secretions, is an oral medication normally prescribed for severe acne.

Early treatment can lower the extent of scarring. If you give enough care to your acne and follow the guidelines of your doctor, more often than not, you will be able to ease the hold of acne on you.

Studies have found that a particular parasite called human demodex parasite existing in the hair follicles can speed up the inflammation associated with the acne. These parasites suck the nutrients from the hair roots and they could harm the cell wall, expand the pores, can make skin rough and can also cause rosacea.

A product that you use for skin care must take all the troubles related with acne under consideration. Such products are available from face doctor which contains a wonderful ingredient in its products namely sea buckthorn oil. This ingredient can rejuvenate your skin and also can attack the demodex parasite. The facedoctors line of products like rejuvenating soap, beauty cream and shampoos are efficient solutions for teen acne treatment and proof is available for you from the received testimonials.

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