Here Are Five Simple Natural Body Cleanse Methods To Try Now

22nd April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

What follows are methods of body cleansing that have been shown to be easy ways to begin a new lifestyle filled with increased energy and anti-aging benefits. In today’s world, the average human body has become filled with chemicals and toxic residues. Because of the call for an increase in speed of food production, the soil is depleted from vital nutrients and poisoned with pesticides. Animals are injected with hormones and steroids, and preservatives are added to make all foods last longer. The air, water, and buildings used and lived in contain pollutants and stale air. This can be helped and possibly remedied by using the following ways to get a detox program started.

1. Natural is best: It has become increasingly easier and more affordable to get natural foods and drinks. Most stores now carry organic fruits and vegetables, and some also have free range and hormone free meats. Tap water can be filtered with a good water filter or ionizer to maximize the hydration and mineral properties.

2. Drink plenty of pure and healthy water: The public water supply in North America has become notorious for the pollutants and poisons that it contains. Tap water retains these harmful chemicals even after it has been through the sanitation system. Chlorine is now known to cause illness and disease over time.

Many bottled waters are simply glorified tap water. It has also been found that the plastic that the bottle is made from leeches into the water. Plastic contains petroleum. The latest studies indicate that filtered or ionized water may be the most healthy and hydrating.

3. Begin taking zinc: Zinc is a vital antioxidant that destroys the free radicals that form in the body due to environmental poisons, radiation, smoking, and many other toxins. Free radicals have been found to accelerate the aging process and contribute to many health woes and diseases. It has also been shown that zinc may even reverse the effects of free radicals present in the body.

4. Buy natural and organic: Reading any modern skincare cream ingredient list shows that most contain harsh chemicals and unnecessary ingredients. Surely these are not safe for the skin or internal systems. Recently, there has been an increase in the amount of product lines for skincare and daily use items that are organic and absent of harmful chemicals. Some of these lines only make natural consumer goods.

5. Find natural and alternative detox programs: Consumers should always consult with their physician before taking herbs, supplements, or detoxing. This is another area that shows increases in availability and promises for health. Some of these will cleanse the liver, lymph system, blood, kidneys, or any number of bodily organs or function. Currently there is an increase in licensed naturopathic doctors and technicians as well.

Beginning a new body cleansing program with these five easy total body cleanse methods can make the transition a little easier. Internet research and consultation with a naturopathic practitioner will also yield more results. In the meantime, these tips and tricks help ease the novice into a great new healthy life of amplified vigor and zest.

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