Wedding Hair

21st April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Up hair styles are good for any occasion. Wedding up hair styles are elegant and beautiful. Up hair for prom could look either funny and flirty or classical and sophisticated. The same thing is about every day updos – they can give you a casual look or a business look for work. The up hair style could be calm and even cold as well as hot and sexy for your choice.

An interesting variation of up hair style is half up – half down hair style. This hair style assumes pinning some of the hair and allowing the rest of it flowing down the shoulders. Such style usually looks great on the wedding day. At the same time you could choose it to wear for a night party somewhere out in the town.

If your hair is really fine and thick, there might be some difficulties for you in maintaining this half up – half down hair style. Holding pins may slip down. That is why you should treat your hair with fixing gel or holding spray as well as use lots of bobby pins while choosing this style.

You should not wash your hair for about twenty four hours before creating a half up – half down hair style. This is true for any type of hair. The natural oils will help the knots stay tight and long lasting. If your hair has been washed, you must prepare it for styling by the use of hair spray or fixing gel.

When your hair is ready for styling, brush it thoroughly. Afterwards, you should separate your hair into one or two inch sections and straighten each one of them with a flat iron. Let your hair to cool after that. The next step is to create a side part from the front hair line to about two inches from the head’s crown. You could use the tail or the rattail to create the side part.

After that the hair should be brushed again and smoothed with a paddle brush. Afterwards the hair is clipped behind the ear.

To create an accent piece one small strand of hair should be pulled from the new section. You should take the strand from near the eyebrow. It could be left straight or a bit curled.

Each section should be separated into two new sections, one of which is top and another is bottom.

Roll one of the top sections into a flat horizontal roll. Pin the roll against the scalp. Add some fixing lotion to each section of hair if needed.

The other top section should also be rolled and pinned so that it hides the first roll. When it is done, spray the entire area with a firm hold hair spray.

A large decorative element can now be added. It may be a flower, a clip, or some other hair decorating thing. This element will help to hide the overlapping hair rolls.

Soft curls could also be created in the ends of the hair. Do not forget to spray them too.

Now you are done with your new hair style and are ready to enjoy your new appearance.

Before you think about inventing the cute hairstyles for your next visit to the beauty salon, please visit this website. This online resource is packed with info and images about cute hairstyles, all sorts of hairstyle standards and themes. It is a place to visit before making any cute hairstyles decisions.

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Posted on: April 21, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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