10 Strategies to Ease Panic Away From You

20th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I regret spending so much time in my life worrying. I’ve worried about bills, first impressions, being good enough, looking good enough and always having my home in perfect order. Thank goodness, Panic Away came to my rescue!

Worrying accounts for nothing but wasted energy and hours of time that you will never get back. And of course, excessive worry leads to anxiety.

Do you really want to spend so much of your time worrying?? I’ve adopted the strategies below when I finally decided that I wanted to spend my time more wisely so that I could have a more enjoyable life. And believe me, it works! Let’s take a look now at how we can stop worrying less:

  1. Keep the faith. Give those anxious or worrisome thoughts to a force greater than yourself.
  2. If a problem seems to big break it down into smaller steps. Don’t go fast forward and worry about steps 2, 3, and 4 until you’ve accomplished step 1. This one was hard for me.
  3. Take action on what you can change and learn to accept what you cannot change.
  4. When you’ve done your best to deal with a situation, stop analyzing, let it go and go on to the next thing. This one was hard for me too.
  5. Write down an alternative thought to the worry that is more positive and realistic.
  6. When you catch yourself worrying use the finger cut across the neck motion to stop yourself and change your thought.
  7. Try to think of problems as opportunities to take action.
  8. Accept uncertainty. We all want to have everything planned out and know the future well in advance but that’s not possible, so relax and take it one day at a time.
  9. Learn how to breathe. Breathe in slowly to the count of five and breathe out slowly to the count of five. Do this for 5 minutes.
  10. Don’t constantly talk about your problems it makes it too easy for you to feel sorry for yourself.

Get Real – Ask yourself these questions:

• If a friend had this worry what would I say?
• How is worrying about the situation helping me?
• Are my worrisome thoughts true or not true?
• What am I scared of?

Panic Away will help you get to the root of your anxiety, confront your fear and move you through it! Your anxiety attacks will be gone!. A program so powerful it will make your anxiety attacks a thing of the past!

This program is proven to work, it has helped thousands of people make their anxiety attacks VANISH!

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