Maintaining a Clean Water Supply in Case of a Natural Disaster

18th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are numerous types of natural catastrophes that will affect numerous parts of the planet. Some of the worst ones include hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. What if you were influenced by one of these disasters? Would you have the clean drinking water available that your family is going to need? In any type of disaster, water fast becomes the most needed commodity, so it ‘s important for you to plan for the chance. Keep a n excellent supply of clean drinking water in your house, and look for other sources you could use if the public water system would become out of commission. The list below will help youmake a plan to provide for your water needs .

Assembling a List of Sources of Clean Water

If you hear about an impending emergency, right away take steps to stockpile as much clean drinking water as you can :

* Fill containers with ice water and put them in your fridge and freezer. You are going to be able to melt the ice later to have the drinking water you need.

* Purchase a good supply of bottled water and ice.

* Use bleach to scrub your bathtub, and then fill it with water.

* Fill any massive, clean receptacles that you have with water.

Finding Water Sources that are not so Easy to Find

Ever thought about other places in your home where you can find clean water? If not, now’s the time to familiarise yourself with many of them, because someday they could make a large difference in your family’s well-being.

* There is clean water in your toilet tank ( not the water in the bowl ). If you’ve kept the tank clean and not added chemical cleansing agents to it, the water will be perfectly safe to drink.

* At any given time thereis a quantity of water in your water pipes waiting be to run into your house. In an emergency you can drain this water out to be used. Place a big container under the lowest-level faucet in your house. Go up and turn on the highest tap that may release the air pressure in the pipes permitting the water to flow into your container. For homes with just one story, simply drain each tap.

*You’ll be ready to drain a big quantity of water from your hot water heater. Shut off the power and allow the water to cool. Open the drain valve at the bottom of the tank and allow the water to drain into an enormous, clean container.

Since you may feel better if you sterilize some of the water you can retrieve from within the plumbing system in your house, you can always keep a supply of chemical purification tables with your emergency supplies to be used if needed.

Outside Water Sources Which are Safe

It’s possible that in an critical situation you may not be able to use the water sources in your home at all . Therefore , you need to know where you’ll be able to find clean water outside of your house. Some common sources that you can use include :

* Water that is still in your garden hose.

* Rain water which you have allowed to collect in a clean container or on a piece of plastic.

* Softened snow.

Once more, you should take care the water you get from these sources hasnot been poisoned. If the water is debatable, you either have to do something to purify it or avoid it all together.

Tenets for Careful Water usage

Take care when using water from outside water sources including streams, brooks, and lakes as well as other standing bodies of water. It may look clean, but you never can say what type of bacteria it’d contain which could cause you to get really unwell. Actually, there are contaminants in water that might even be fatal to you or a relation. If there’s any question at all about the safety of the water, don’t allow anybody to drink it until it has been purified.

It ‘s important to understand the tricks for finding clean drinking water in times of disaster. Your knowledge might end up being the difference between life and death. Some of the sources discussed in this post, such as your toilet, may not sound especially appetizing now, but if you were ever scorched with thirst and had no other safe water source available, you’d discover that yourself to be very glad you knew about them.

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