Sleep Panic Attacks: Fear Of Sleep

13th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Study has shown that sleep is made up of different stages of sleep that are recognized by REM and non-REM occurrences. Dreams often occur with REM sleep but the real importance of sleep occurs in the later phases of non-REM sleep. You may find that after a good night’s sleep that you feel refreshed and energized, since sleep enables you to restore and rejuvenate many functions of the mind and body. Individuals who suffer from Sleep Panic Attacks however may not experience the important stages of sleep that are essential for rejuvenation.

Although the sleep cycle occurs naturally, it can be deeply affected by anxiety and stress. People who spend less time worrying have more energy. Spending less time needlessly worrying means you will have more time to spend on doing things and getting things done in life. Since what you do in the day influences what happens nocturnally, there are lots of indirect action you can take for Controlling panic attacks.

If something is annoying you, write it down and either work out a solution or forget about it and move on. By writing down your concerns you can come back to them later and not have to repeatedly think about them. Do not attempt to deal with problems at bedtime, it’s for sleep only, so learn to let go. When you have a mind dump in your diary, learn to switch off and forget about the worries that you may have until tomorrow, when you have the whole day to address them.

Spend time unwinding in the evening before sleep to help clear your mind from thoughts that could keep you awake. Often when people suffer from a few bad nights of sleep they begin to have feelings and thoughts anxiousness at bedtime which invariably has a negative effect on sleep.

Sleep panic attacks can be extremely frightening and cause negative mental associations with the bedroom and bed. You want to make your bedroom inviting and comfortable and avoid doing anything that it stimulating for the mind, such as work, surfing the Net or watching TV.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Emotional Freedom Technique are two popular methods that can be helpful in stopping panic attacks and alleviating anxiety and stress. Relaxation plays an important part in good health and can help to promote sleep. Stress is an inhibitor of creative thinking and can affect the functioning of the brain negatively. By reducing stress during the day we can be more relaxed and happier within ourselves.

Many people believe that they wake up in ‘bad moods’ and they have no control over how they feel. However this is untrue as we all have the power to change our thoughts and actions. Techniques like EFT and NLP will help you acquire the ability to control your own thoughts and emotions. Practitioners around the world have shown people how to tackle various mental and physical health problems with these techniques. There is also a vast amount of information online if you wish to research these subjects further.

Studies show that relaxed people outperform anxious and stressed people at work. They also show that relaxed people make better progress in their careers than stressed people. These techniques will help you live a more relaxed and enjoyable life and reach your potential.

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