Boot Camp Workouts With This Great Plan

9th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You can have fun on a regular basis with boot camp workouts. You will enjoy your training more if everyone puts in the same effort. You can do some of these yourself and there is not much equipment involved. Before each day’s drill, make sure that everyone is properly warmed up and hydrated. Your ready to go once you’ve stretched.

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You’ll be in teams, with each jogging in a single file line at a moderate pace. The last man on the line has to sprint to the head of the line. The person at the very end of the line, sprints up to the top of the line. The team continues jogging at the same pace. Again, when the team jogs for another ten seconds, the person at the very end of the line sprints up to the top of the line. Your team finishes when each have had their sprint to the head of the line.

The Medicine Ball Indian Run

A team is one single file jogging at a moderate pace. A medicine ball is carried by the man at the head and he must pass it to the man behind him. The person with the ball does this by lifting the ball above his head and the person next to him has to get the upraised ball. Each person passes the ball until it reaches the last man. The man in the rear sprints to the head and repeats it again. Your team finishes when each have had their sprint to the head of the line.

21 down

Any reasonable number can be used, but here we will use twenty-one push ups, followed by twenty-one crunches. Subtract one crunch for each set you do(first set = twenty-one, second set = 20), until you reach one. A smaller or larger number of sets can be used depending on the fitness level of the group.

Piggyback riding and squatting

You must have a partner and be in a grass field for this. Your first objective will be to get your partner to the middle of the field by carrying him. The person who is carrying the other, stops in the middle of the field and does ten or any number of squats that they choose. After your done, continue to walk the rest of the field, switching off at the other end.

These exercises don’t have to be done on the same day. The weight drills like the piggy back and squats, can be done one day. The running drills can be done the other days. Keep in mind the various fitness levels in each team, and try to split them up into the groups they fit into.

It is important to rest after each drill is done. Drink fluids to help hydrate your body. The good thing about boot camp workout routines is that these exercises are really fun. When these exercises are used in team building, it is always guaranteed that boot camp workout routines always result to increased camaraderie and better teamwork.

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