There Are Several Different Types of Depression

2nd April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Estimates are that almost 15 million Americans suffer from Depression, a serious problem. It’s a proven illness. Even though it’s a mental illness, the afflicted is not responsible for it because of personal habits like laziness. Depression can affect anyone. It has no reasoning for its path. Executives to janitors can be affected. Race or religion aren’t important. It’s not true that only weaker people suffer from this problem. The historic stereotypes associated with mental illness are meaningless. The suffering associated with this disease will only get worse without treatment. It will not simply go away if you ignore the symptoms. Untreated this illness will advance and will take over your life.

There can be various types of depression and many things contribute to depression. Feeling sad or anxious for a day or two is not the extent of this disease. The affects of true depression can last for months and years. The worst effects of depression can be physical illness and even suicide. Early stages involve feelings of regret. The pleasure from favorite activities might disappear. You can experience loneliness and despair. It could lead to feelings of failure and a sense of the future only getting worse. As time goes by it can begin to change your personality for all to see. You will feel the affects at work, at school and at home. Expect insomnia and increased anxiety.

There are many causes of depression. A major contributer is stress. A serious illness or the loss of a loved one can cause stress. It can be passed on genetically. Suffering abuse can bring on stress. Much of the time it can be felt because of simply trying to get by financially in everyday life. Competition to make it in society creates stress in the modern world. Don’t forget that it’s a serious condition. But for people who look for it there is help for depression . Only about 4.5 million of the 15 million Americans who suffer from depression each year will admit the problem and seek help. A loved one or you have to look for the help.

The most common form of treatment for depression is ‘talk therapy’ and depression medications such as Prozac. But medications often have side effects, including causing more depression, as well as they can be expensive as can a psychiatrist or psychologist. Natural alternatives exist that contain hyperforin, known to work as well as anti-depressant medicines. There are support groups that are aimed at assisting those affected by this terrible illness. Whether you want it or someone pushes you to it, there are cures for depression.

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