You Can Decide What You Want To Look Like

30th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When we were growing up we had many adults who told us what to do. Kids go to sleep when the adults want them to. A child’s job is their education. Our meals are fixed for us every day. Once we are grown up and on our own we have the ability to make the choices for ourselves. But we still have people who control some aspects of our lives.

Whether or not we are overweight is one aspect of our life that we can decide. We also decide how much of that food to eat. We can decide if we want to spend some of our evening doing sets of six pack ab exercises, or if we rather stuff our face with popcorn as we watch some movies on the big screen television in our living room. Another thing that we control is whether or not we want to lose the extra weight we are carrying. It is easy to know if we are overweight. Doing something about being overweight is not as simple to fix. We are taught from a young age that the things that we want the most are often the hardest to attain. Getting fit and healthy is one of those things.
The benefits that are associated with losing weight are numerous. Being overweight puts a person at risk for many diseases. By getting fit and trim, those illnesses can disappear and allow a person to get off medications that they used to have to take. It is not necessary to learn how to lose weight fast, rather it is just necessary to lose the weight and to gain control of how your body feels on a daily basis. It is not always clear what the bad habits were that caused us to be overweight in the first place. The best way to understand how the weight was gained is just to write down what we eat on a daily basis and how much exercise that we get. There is a small group that have medical problems that affect the amount they weigh, but those groups are the exception not the rule. We are the people who spent their evenings at an all you can eat buffet. One additional reason for being fat is because we don’t have a fitness regimen that we can follow.

All of those things are within a person’s ability too control. If you go to chat rooms on the internet like the biggest loser forum, you will find people who are trying to lose weight that all share similar stories of excess eating and weight gain and the struggle to get it under control. All o f these people are looking for an answer to a similar problem. But other people can not make the choices for us no matter how much we want them to. As adults we can make this decision. The ability to pick and choose the right things that we need to do to get healthy is within us. We also have the power to stick with a plan when we are tempted not to.

We are tempted by many things every day. Restaurants with bountiful buffets are all around. Until a person has lost the extra weight, they must not allow themselves to give in to these temptations. If we have reached the proper weight, we must still be aware of the effects that these foods can have on our body. All of the effort that was put in to get fit and healthy will be thrown away quickly if a person does not watch what they eat. Unless the bad habits that got a body into bad shape are replaced with good habits, a person’s weight will always fluctuate. The choice to maintain a healthier lifestyle rest solely upon ourselves The ability to eat right and exercise daily is something that only one person can make the decision about. The choice to get fit and healthy and then to stay that way rests with the individual.

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