Employment of Illegal Alliens to be Lowered by New Federal Program

26th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Federal authorities have adopted a new immigration program whose main aim is to restrict to the minimum the hiring of illegal immigrants. Another goal of the program is locate such immigrants. Employers who help for the prevention of hiring illegal immigrants and provide the authorities with information on their location will benefit from the program by receiving a clean bill of health by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. In response to the increasing number of cases filed against employers who hired illegal workers the program intends to stop this practice. At first glance the actions seemed extreme but then were they not justified? Among those actions we can note cases against violating employers some of which result with a jail sentence. A wave of indignation was triggered among the law abiding employers so the government officials were forced to issue a decree which guaranteed fair treatment to those employers. This immigration regulation states that in order to be considered clean hirers companies must first prove they do not hire alien workers. The companies that want to be granted the right to hire must first meet some certain criteria – an obligatory prerequisite is to sent the immigration authorities the employees’ records. Obviously, Legal Translation of these records will be necessary as these workers lived outside of the USA prior to their employment. The Basic Pilot Employment Verification database will use the received employees’ records to issue a written validation or rejection of their authenticity. In order to be able to ascertain the authenticity of a green card and verify the employees’ records the company staff will have to receive proper training that will be offered by the immigration officers.

Many people consider the Russian women subscribed on dating sites to have only one aim: marrying someone from the USA in order to say good-bye to the life of misery in their home country by obtaining a green card. The Russian Translation of a number of stories supports the widespread view that the only thing the Russian women are after is the green card – wrong! The end of the former Soviet Union era marked a period of unseen economic growth. Since then Russia has achieved unprecedented wealth and international prosperity, so to brand it as a miserable country will merely sound ridiculous. This is why the green card cannot be a serious enough reason for a Russian woman to get married to a US citizen. Strange but it is true that the reverse situation is more common – a US citizen marrying a Russian woman in order to get a Russian green card.

Many is the time when we come across tales of foreign women chasing US citizens with the purpose of fake marriage only to be issued a green card. Most of these stories have gained notoriety because of being exaggerated by the media. Despite this fact we also hear of Western men who Russian women, and whose marriage has been successful for many years. When such couples decide to visit the USA they will certainly need various documents translated. The whole procedure of settling down in the USA involves the provision of Divorce Decree Translation which will prove that the US citizenship is not the only paper they are chasing after and will allow them to permanently stay in the country.

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