The Best Tasting Coffee

23rd March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In my opinion the key to making a great cup of home brewed coffee to start with bottled water and freshly roasted whole bean coffee. The smell…the taste… is wonderful. Now, there are two ways that you can purchase your whole bean coffee. You can either purchase them pre-roasted or you can buy green coffee beans and then roast them yourself. at home. Roasting your own coffee beans is far less complicated than it sounds.

Selecting Whole Bean Coffee

The whole bean coffee you choose will depend on if you like a light, medium or dark roast flavor Since a light roast lets all of the bean’s true flavor come through, use this for a coffee whose flavor you truly enjoy.

Purchasing your beans from a store or coffee shop that roasts its own beans is most important. Some online retailers will take your order, roast your coffee beans and then quickly package it up and send it to you. In this way you receive the freshest whole bean coffee available. When roasted coffee’s true flavor only lasts from about 7 days to up to four weeks depending upon the type of whole bean coffee you purchase.

What difference does this make?

An important factor to stay mindful of is that as soon as the beans have been roasted, they begin to lose their freshness. The oils in the beans will start breaking down almost immediately after roasting, causing the bean to lose the fresh roasted flavor. The less time between roasting and drinking, the better.

Although you may be tempted to, buy whole bean coffee from your local supermarket these beans have been roasted far away and trucked to your local supermarket. These beans could already be a week old.

Storing Your Coffee

It’s very important that you only grind as much as you’ll need and then store the rest of the coffee beans in an airtight container preferably away from extreme heat, cold or light. I like to keep my beans in the freezer and if I do grind extra I usually keep this in the fridge. I keep my whole beans in the freezer and any ground coffee in the refrigerator. Just like my whole bean coffee that’s been roasted, ground beans begin to lose their freshness very quickly.

My Experience Has Shown To Make A really Good Cup Of Coffee

Only use whole bean coffee from a reliable roaster.
Do not grind the beans until you are ready to make coffee.
Use purified water.
Only use a drip coffee maker.

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Posted on: March 23, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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