Lethargic Patient Restored Energy Through Chiropractic Care In Costa Mesa

19th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When I started my chiropractic treatments, my life has changed so much! I had tried several sleeping pills, ranging from over-the-counter pain medications to prescriptions from a medical doctor. Orange County Chiropractor

My insurance plan at work had recently changed, which meant that I had to visit a new medical doctor for the first time. I was overwhelmed when he concluded that I was just making up things to try to get prescription pain killers. My friend told me how pleased she is with Dr. Candice McCowin, DC and her staff at Great Life Chiropractic when I vented out my surprise to her. She told me schedule an appointment the soonest.

Initially from the start, I was impressed. No need for me to wait that long to be seen by Dr. McCowin. She and her staff ensured that I feel comfortable when filling out forms, providing my medical history, and answering her queries.

Making that first appointment with Dr.McCowin was the best thing that I have ever done for myself, and truly turned my life around. With each treatment, I felt better and better. The pain subsided quickly and I began to feel more energetic gradually.

I then realized that the usual “normal” was certainly far from it. It was kind of like I got so used to being in pain, tired and run down, that I grew to accept it as part of my everyday life rather than being concerned about it. I realized that the muscle spasms I had experienced on-and off for several years were part of the problem through Dr. McCowin’s treatments. It is funny how I can look back now and see that so many of my problems would have been solved long ago, if only I had sought chiropractic care long ago.

I look forward to my treatments at Great Life Chiropractic. In fact, if I miss an appointment, it sets me back and I really regret it. Which is why I sort out my schedule thoroughly so I can make it each time. I am always amazed with the improvement I feel from every treatment.

just feel so awesome that it’s been a while that I have not taken any sick day from work. With the extra energy that I feel, I have been able to get a lot more done at work and at home. Before stress can get any chance to set in, I am able to let go of it when it is time to relax.

Then one day, my co-worker shared to me what she was feeling so tiresome but had no idea what the problem is. I was excited in sharing the experiences I had with Dr. McCowin and Great Life Chiropractic. I told my co-worker about the friendly staff and the positive changes that happened in my life since my first appointment. Chiropractic Care In Orange County

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