The Wrong Way To Do Cardio Revealed

17th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Hearing a fitness professional prescribe cardio training (aerobic) for weight loss and heart health is fairly common.You hear something like this: “Three to five times a week, do steady cardio for 30 to 60 minutes.” This is important if you’re looking for some ways on how to lose weight fast.

I want you to consider how that scientific research has shown that steady cardio is not only boring, but isn’t very effective.To begin with, you need to recognize that our body is designed for bursts of energy followed by recovery, not a steady continuous exertion.

Steady activity like a cardio workout can’t even be observed in animals.The majority of competitive sports require bursts of energy followed by rest.Marathon runners are a good illustration of the difference between endurance and stop-go training.

Marathon runners look sick and weak compared to sprinters who look muscular and strong.Which one do you want to look like? You’d probably want to know how to lose weight the fastest way possible.

Something else about training at various rates is the effect on the inside of the body.Free radicals are produced during endurance training that result in chronic disease and joint problems.

The body’s anti-oxidant levels are greater in variable intensity training that boosts immunity and increases metabolism.

What makes endurance training even worse is that it covers only a specific range of heart rates.Research has shown that training your heart to rapidly increase and decrease in rate helps people deal with stress. The body doesn’t learn to handle rapid changes in blood pressure or heart rate with endurance training.

The bursts of energy used in exertion help the body improve its response to the stimulus it receives during exercise.More people quit cardio training because it’s boring, while fewer quit variable cyclic training.Higher metabolism, improved immunity, a healthier heart, and less muscle wasting and healthier joints are all ways that variable cyclic training is better than endurance training.

Here is an example of a session of interval training on a treadmill that mimics the variable intensity of weight lifting and competitive sports:

3-4 minutes: warm up by jogging lightly or walking quickly
1st interval: run for 1 minute at 8 miles per hour.
2nd interval: for 90 seconds at 4 miles per hour.
Third interval: run at 10 mph for a minute.
4th interval: Walk for 90 seconds at a 4 mph rate.For an intense workout, repeat all these intervals four times in twenty minutes.

After reading this article you should understand that the best results from your workouts will be gained by varying the intensity of your exercises.

For more information, go to our weight loss forum or go to for a free fat loss report.

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