Too Exhausted To Cook?-Dream Dinners Offer The Perfect Answer

10th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

To some folks a dream dinner might be any decent food they can get for free. But Dream Dinners is also a unique food franchise that’s quickly growing. It’s all about people cooking under supervision according to planned menus. A lot of people ask, why didn’t I think of that?

People are very busy today. Eating well at home is besoming more and more difficult . Even the terrific pre-made food available today in stores isn’t quite the same as home cooking. When the schedule is packed, however, will people give up their jobs or their self made meals? This franchise lives in that space.

It works something like this. People visit the location and then choose up to all 14 items on a provided menu. Number of servings determines cost of each meal. Then they cook it while still at the shop. There are both private and public supervised creative cooking sessions. This is a lot like a chef at a restaurant coming out to direct the diners in preparing the food.

It sounds a lot more expensive that it really is. The more people buy the more they save, so all 14 meals are about $3.50 per serving not counting sides and other items like salads. A total of about $5 per serving isn’t a bad price to pay for a good meal. Not only are the meals provided, but the family can enjoy the cooking experience in a setting where it’s ensured that they’ll prepare the meals the right way.

This is a franchise business. And there’s been some controversy behind the franchise. The food and menus are fine, but the franchise owners may have a problem. Forbes Magazine profiled Dream Dinners in March 2008. The story didn’t look good for the company. It expanded very quickly, attracting entrepreneurs with its unique concept. The business plan came into question when many of the franchises went out of business after a short time. Forbes claims the franchisees were sold a bill of goods when it came to the claims of wild success.

Business controversy aside, Dream Dinners is a wonderful concept that allows busy people living the 21st century fast-paced life a way to return to some of the home spun food value of the past decades.

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