After what Occurred in Haiti, you Need to Obtain a Portable Water Purification Unit

9th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you watched the news coverage of the recent Haitian tremor and its survivors, you’ve doubtlessly seen footage of the people fighting one another or waiting in long lines to get a bottle of water. That’s because thirst can become a very real problem right after any disaster strikes. Normal sources of water are disrupted, while others are polluted with waste and become bacteria-laden. People are faced with the choice between drinking the dangerous water or dying of thirst which is why so many disaster victims get serious illnesses. Without clean water, illness epidemics are confirmed.

The poor voters of Haiti weren’t expecting this ghastly event to befall them any more than you are expecting one to happen to you. However , it’s a fact of life that disasters do happen quickly and suddenly. At any time you might be jerked out of sound sleep by a quake, a tornado, or some other sort of natural event. If what happened in Haiti should happen to you, would you be more prepared to meet your family’s need for water than the Haitians were? If you’ve purchased some sort of emergency portable water purification system prior to the disaster, you’ll stand a much better likelihood of survival.

By taking the time to read through information online about the number of companies that have shipped portable water purification systems to Haiti, you can see that help was sent as speedily as practical. However ,due to airfield congestion and damaged roads, it was difficult getting the appliances to where the people so despairingly required it. Although well-intentioned people around the world did everything they could to help, it still took time. It was weeks before some of the people got the water they so despairingly required which definitely shows you why the best action you can take is to gear up to take care of yourself and family in the event the inconceivable happens.

You don’t have to go out and invest in a costly movable water purification system unless you desire to. There are plenty of other devices available that will make it possible for you to survive more easily. Something as easy as a drinking straw with a filter within it can get you through in a pinch. A step up might be filtered water bottles. All you need to do is fill them with water, regardless of how tarnished, and drink. Doing aweb search will help you learn about the many different portable purification systems that are available.

Katadyn is the maker of many water purification products. Among the products they sell you will find the Katadyn Vario Dual Technology Microfilter Water Filter System for just less than $70. This device uses a ceramic prefilter, turned on carbon granulates, and anti-clog technology to clean as much as two quarts of water per minute. The device weighs only 15 oz. and will purify up to 530 gallons of water without requiring a cartridge replacement.

If you’re looking for something not much bigger, a good selection could be the Big Berkey Water Purification System. Although it is still small and compact, being only twelve inches tall when not in use, this forceful small machine will remove bacteria, chemicals, contaminants, and sediment from water as well as the bad taste making virtually any source of water palatable. Big Berkey even recommends that you use this system all the time in your home to reduce the amount of water bottles your family routinely puts into the landfills.

It’s smart to be prepared, and nothing could prepare you any better than having a portable water system to provide you with fresh water regardless of what the conditions. It will be money well spent, even if you are fortunate enough to never have the necessity to use it.

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