Can You Inherit Anxiety – Doesn’t Matter With Panic Away

28th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

While there seem to be different opinions I believe the answer is yes and no. There can be many factors that contribute and lead to anxiety, some can be genetic, a brain pattern or way of thinking that is passed down from generations, conditioning, situational, or a little mix of everything. Regardless of where your anxiety or panic came from, you can fix it now with Panic Away and live an anxiety free life.

Conditioning, inherited risk factors, childhood issues or biological causes and stress in adolescence all can set the stage for anxiety and panic . Studies have shown that if it runs if your family you have a higher chance of getting it, but that doesn’t mean you will.

Being naturally more anxious, excitable or reactive can make you more likely to develop panic or anxiety attacks, according to researchers. With all that said, it’s not the only factor.

Experts also relate it to conditioning. If growing up you had parents that were extremely fearful about everything, you could also be fearful in life. If they had high standards or were perfectionists it could make you more critical about yourself which could lead to a fearful view of the world and a doubtful, anxious personality. If they were over protective and taught you that the world is a dangerous place that can cause you to have excessive worry and anxiety.

Regardless of how your anxiety or panic started, you can fix it now and live an anxiety free life. The key is to stop avoiding your fears, you need to confront it and that means…work. Having been a former anxiety sufferer for over a decade, now that I’ve experienced relief from all that panic and anxiety entails, I am confident that Panic Away can help you too.

Don’t waste another minute suffering with anxiety or panic attacks, I have tried many different things throughout the years but this Panicaway program, wrote from a long time anxiety sufferer himself, gave all of us a gift to overcome anxiety, are you ready to take it.

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