Neuro Linguistic Programming And Changing Behavior

25th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A very controversial topic that many have sure to have heard of is Neuro Linguistic Programming or the pseudoscience that deals with investigating connections between the mind, language and how the body interprets these.NLP has many benefits and few side effects in applying to actual scenarios, experiences or situations.The main objective of NLP in the old days was to emulate a successful person, by studying patterns of behavior, ideas, actions and so forth and applying it to someone else so that person can succeed as well.

To model human excellence is to emulate a person deemed excellent or successful, through adopting his or her behaviors and belief.The process of modeling can be tiresome as a person may need to refine and perfect the model many times before getting it right.The model is then broken down even further to simple patterns that can easily be taught to other people.nlp training sydney

Aside from modeling, maps is another term that anyone will encounter repeatedly in Neuro Linguistic Programming, as it is the core of a person?s unique perception of the world.Maps are not permanent, are not something you are born with, can be changed, created or deleted.Since maps are sort of a person?s computer programming, the way a person acts, behaves and talks reflects that person?s map of the world.

Neuro Linguistic Programming maps are the essence of how we live our life, and it is important to remember that maps don’t control our destiny and that we control our own maps of the world.Wrong maps lead to wrong things, and remedying, manipulating and even replacing these maps with something else is possible with NLP.As maps are changed, a person can suddenly feel less depressed and happier for example.

But more than this, there are a lot more different techniques to applying Neuro Linguistic Programming.Anchoring, Swish, Reframing are the most common NLP methods not previously discussed above.Because of its popularity, this article takes a closer look at Anchoring, Swish and Reframing NLP methods.neuro linguistic programming courses

Anchoring is one of the most common and basic Neuro Linguistic Programming technique that teaches us to form connections between what we feel with our senses and what we feel as our emotions.Forming an association between emotions and one of the senses is not that hard, as all you would need to do is to introduce a stimuli of the senses during the emotional state.NLP further teaches that anchors can be deliberately created and triggered to help people reach a different state of being.

Neuro Linguistic Programming offers another technique called Reframing, which is essentially changing the way a person looks at things.A shift in perspective, even just a slight minor one, can result into large impacts on a person’s behavior, emotions and attitude toward something.NLP therapists that make use of this technique usually flip the point of view from either a passive role to an active role.

The last method we will look into, the Swish method from Neuro Linguistic Programming, is a process in which you purposely disrupt a pattern of thought from one that leads to an unwanted behavior to one that leads to a desired behavior.NLP practitioners or psychotherapists often use the swish method in taking away a subject’s problematic bad habits such as drug addiction, sex addiction, drinking or smoking problems.The swish method currently is being applied in all sorts of problems areas such as dealing with anxiety problems, depression, phobias and bad habits such as smoking.

It is impossible to cover everything about NLP in just one article.Neuro Linguistic Programming can literally change a man’s life.But no matter the technique, it all depends on the desire of the subject to improve that is still most important.

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