How Panic Away Helped The Pressure of Success

25th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

More women experience anxiety but men experience it too! I had dinner with a male friend a couple of weeks ago and we talked a lot about our lives. He is a very successful salesman but underneath it all he suffers a lot of anxiety. He recently became a single dad of 3 girls and has a lot of pressure in his sales job, constantly striving to be more and more successful. I’m sure men do feel a lot of pressure to provide but when he told me that he silently suffers with violent panic attacks when at home by himself I knew I could help him.

He now has the girls 50% of the time and hates that his family is broken apart. It’s difficult being a single parent but he tries his very best to give the girls stabilty, laughter and fun. When he doesn’t have the girls he is working hard trying to meet his quota. He told me that if numbers are down, his sense of worth takes a fall as well. He constantly measures his value by how much he sells. When he’s up he’s really up but when he’s down he’s really down. You wouldn’t know it to look at him, he appears very confident, handsome and self assured. He has a nice house, lots of friends, donates to a lot of important charities and goes to many social functions. But he admitted those quiet nights at home can be terrifying. The thoughts that swirl around his head are “what if I lose it all?” He came from a very poor upbringing and worked hard to be where he is but with sales it’s never a sure thing. To him losing it all sends him into a state of frenzy. He feels sick to his stomach and gets so wound up that he told me on several occasions he has literally trembled with crazy thoughts going through his mind like “what if I die?”

I have to admit he was a little hesitant when I introduced the Panic Away program. He said he wanted to deal with it on his own but when I asked him what he has done to try and help himself he couldn’t answer. With the Panic Away program helping thousands and thousands of people I reassured him and asked him to just give it a try. He has agreed to deal with it and will take the steps to do so, he’s tired of suffering with the anxiety attacks and has realized he doesn’t have to just live with it – Terrific!

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