Autistic Children Receive Benefits From Chiropractic Treatment In Orange County California

20th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I cannot fully express my happiness after knowing our chiropractor, Dr. Candice McCowin, DC. My two sons were diagnosed to be autistic two years ago. Costa Mesa Chiropractic

There were specific issues that we must deal in handling our two boys like delay in learning how to speak, lack of facial expressions, and walking on tip-toes. Then, our concern with our youngest boy, Toby suddenly had risen. It soon became apparent that, while both boys would benefit from chiropractic care, Toby needed extra attention. He lately underwent a spell and was not able to communicate. In addition, he also had several sensory issues. My husband and I were in fear of losing touch with him and he seemed to be slipping away from us.

Another couple in our parent group had gone through a similar experience not too long ago, so we called them to ask for advice. We were then referred to Great Life Chiropractic in Costa Mesa, California.

Toby was showing improvement and pulled out of his downward spiral just a few short weeks after he began his consultation with Dr. Candice McCowin, DC. Many autistic children are unable to sleep through the night, so this is a major coup.

We were encouraged by Dr. McCowin to look at making dietary changes along with the weekly chiropractic treatments. We filled our bookshelves with gluten-free, wheat-free. dairy-free cookbooks. We are seeing good results after learning the nutritional supplements thoroughly and with the doctor’s advice, we employed them on the whole family’s diet and not only on Toby’s diet.

Our efforts have paid off in many ways. She inquired about the kinds of changes happened at home and informed us of the positive results she had seen. In fact, she pulled out a folder and showed us Toby’s recent class work in comparison to the work he was completing prior to beginning treatments. We were impressed with the results although they were many subtle differences. Chiropractic Treatment In Orange County California

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