Reiki Attunement — Follow Your Heart Not Your Wallet.

16th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The right way to get a reiki attunement? What is right? Basically if it feels right to you. It is a personal thing to get a reiki attunement or session. It is important to do your research, and even more important to use your intuition. The person who will be giving you the attunement is the point here.

Picking the right instructor is the key. Using logic might help you if using intuition is not your thing. Make sure your reiki master has experience? How legitimate Do they seem? Have they been doing it for long? What systems do they use? What other energies do they combine if any? Do they look like professionals?

But try and trust your intuition. Why? Because if you can you will know off the start which master is right for you to do your reiki attunement. But if your intuition says avoid this person, than you would be wise to follow this too. In this case, if it does not feel quite right, leave it as the connection to the energy won’t be right for you. Get the best connection here: reiki attunement

I will give you a good way to test, through your subconscious mind, whether the reiki attunement will be the right one for you from a particular reiki teacher.

A scale of 1 to 100 hundred is what you should imagine.

Then ask this question: is the person who would give you a the reiki attunement the right one for you?

You must be honest.

Recall the very first number that pops into your head

You might want to think about not going through with it if it is not 100%. You might have to clear up your karma by mentally forgiving them for past aggressions, and sending them gratitude.

If things have cleared up then you can test again to see if that reiki master is right for you.

Still under 100%? Find a different teacher.

Price is not important. Let your heart lead you in this matter not your head. A reiki attunement is not something to barter, it is a beautiful, spiritual, personal thing. Want to learn more about the right teacher for you then go here: reiki attunement


Posted on: February 16, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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