Knowing About Your Overactive Bladder

16th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When you have an over active bladder, you have an unmanageable inclination to urinate. Most often, those who suffer from this condition would frequently run to the restroom. Going to the restroom more than eight times a day is considered frequent. Nonetheless, frequency is not the only symptom.

Additionally, an individual with an overactive bladder may also suffer urge incontinence. Urge incontinence is when you feel a strong need to urinate then followed by some involuntary urine leaking, then complete voiding.

A person suffering with this condition may also experience problems interrelated to social and mental issues. Most people with over active bladder are normally uncomfortable in talking about their problem with the doctor, or anyone else. For most, having this type of condition is a sensitive issue.
An over active bladder happens when the muscle walls of the bladder suddenly contact on their own. Therefore, an uncontrollable urge to urinate occurs. This condition is a kind of urinary incontinence that commonly affects older people; however, age is not a cause.

The causes for having this kind of urinary incontinence is still not specific although there are some factors that could predispose a person to develop this type of condition. Those who have an over active bladder can do some necessary lifestyle changes in order to prevent it from occurring frequently.
If you are a fond drinker of coffee and alcohol, you need to limit your intake. Coffee and alcohol have a diuretic effect which means, drinking these will make you urinate more. In addition, the caffeine content in coffee can also stimulate bladder contractions, which can worsen the condition of an over active bladder.

One of the treatment approaches for an over active bladder would be behavioral therapy wherein the person with this condition will be taught about bladder training. In behavioral therapy, the patients are instructed to resist the urge to urinate. The therapy may be frustrating initially but steady training will help patients control the over active bladder.

In additional to behavioral therapy, prescription drugs for this condition may also be prescribed by the attending physician. Though, if you prefer a more natural method, you can also consider including cranberry extract and foods rich in magnesium in your diet. Both of these things are known to help a large number of bladder issues.

Having a bladder problem such as an bladder spasms is has nothing to do with old age. Although this is a private problem, it is still critical to seek medical help immediately upon experiencing this condition.

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