Survival Food Storage.

14th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Food prices continue to grow these days. The risk of emergency is always high even though we hope this will never happen at our area. Most grocery stores keep only a three day supply and if an emergency happen they will very soon run out of food products. These reasons make home food storage programs very important. It is recommended that you have at least a 72 hour food and water supply for all your family members. Unfortunately, most people think that food storage is referred to storing grains in huge barrels. As they do not feel like doing this, they just do nothing and hope for the best.

In fact, there are other easy ways of getting a 72 hour supply of food. There are food products that could be easily purchased in any grocery store and that could make your food storage.
A 72 hour food supply is referred to a supply of food which is enough for your family to survive for seventy two hours. Survival food is the type of food with high nutritional value and a long shelf life. Such food product should have an expiration date more than one year. Survival food should also include foods that you like to eat and are ready to eat. It is not smart to store foods that you are not going to ever eat. Survival food should also be portable and light, but this is not a must.

The idea of home good storage is not to buy a lot of food and forget about it for several years. Home food storage program is aimed to give you some extra food if you will not be able to get any from outer sources. To make sure your stored food is always fresh and unspoiled you should rotate your food storage regularly. This means your should regularly consume foods from your storage and replace them with new items. This way your food will never get spoiled and you will never have to worry about expiration dates. These dates come into play only if an emergency occurs and you will not be able to replace food items with fresh ones.

Let us speak about some survival foods that could be found in your local grocery store. Fish pouches are a great option. They are rather light and taste good. Tuna pouches and salmon pouches could be easily found in grocery stores and they do not cost a lot. They could be mixed with beans or salsa to create a great meal.
Peanut butter is another great type of survival food. It contains lots of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Its shelf live is usually about two years which makes peanut butter ideal for emergency storage.

Have you heard that food storage can save you from lots of troubles during all sorts of emergency cases. Learn more about food storage on this food storage web site.

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Posted on: February 14, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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