Taking Acyclovir to Handle the Cold Sore Virus

7th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you suffer from the virus that causes cold sores as well as other viral conditions, your doctor may have recommended a prescription medication to treat it. Although there’s no medication available at the present time that will cure any form of herpes, the virus that causes cold sores, you can stop the growth of the infection and keep it from spreading throughout your body by taking Acyclovir. Other common forms of the herpes pathogen include genital herpes, chicken pox,and shingles.

You must start to take Acyclovir as a treatment for cold sores as quickly as the symptoms start to manifest themselves. If you feel a tingling that you know is the commencement of developing a cold sore, that’s the time to start the treatment. It is also important that you continue taking all of the medication even if your symptoms disappear while you’re taking the drug. While you are on this drug, it will be necessary for you to drink plenty of water in order to maintain correct kidney function. It’s up to you whether you wish to take it withor without food, but taking it after you’ve eaten can stop your stomach from being upset.

Many of us are reluctant to take prescribed drugs of any kind due to the complications. As in all cases, you will have to weigh the benefits and disadvantages of taking this medication. While you have an active case of any herpes virus, you are infective. You want to avoid activities which would put your sores in direct contact with someone else. Taking the medication will help the disease clear up more quickly so that you can resume an ordinary life.

Possible negative side effects of Acyclovir include lower back discomfort, little or no urination, excess weakness, bruising, bleeding, nausea, headache, diarrhea, light-headedness, swollen extremities, and loss of appetite. None of these side-effects are thought to be heavy, but if you hate putting any chemical substance into your body, you may prefer solely to let your cold sore run its natural course or to use topical medications.

Having a cold sore isnever fun, but you can help alleviate the symptoms and help recovery by taking Acyclovir to heal a cold sore. The decision is up to you and your doctor.

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Posted on: February 7, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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