Why It Is So Important For Diabetic Patients To Watch What They Are Eating

7th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

All of us need to eat if we want to live. Many people do not really care about what they are eating as long as they have some food that is ready to be consumed. Unfortunately, such an approach is not appropriate for diabetic people. Those who have diabetes should watch what they are eating and follow their diabetic diet plans strictly. In such a case diabetic people are able to manage the disease and live relatively healthy without serious complications of diabetes.

Fruits are commonly recommended to be the part of diabetic diet. They provide all the vitamins and minerals necessary to boost one’s immunity standards. Eating fruit alone can be rewarding especially when speaking of type one diabetes which is considered to be an auto immune disease. It happens sometimes that auto aggressive T cells infiltrate the pancreas and destroy it which affects insulin production. With the lack or absence of insulin glucose cannot get inside the cells and is accumulated in the blood stream. This condition is very harmful to patient’s health. That is why fruit should be eaten regularly to assist in preventing T cells from destroying the pancreas.

Fresh vegetables should also be present in diabetic diet. First of all, they also provide vitamins for the immune system to function properly. Therefore, the risk of destroying the pancreas is reduced and insulin begins to be produced in needed amounts. Another reason for eating vegetables is the fact that they are rich in fiber. And fiber helps the digestion system to function properly along with slowing down the digestion itself. On one hand, food is now easier turned into glucose since the digestion system works well. And on the other hand the risk of having high glucose levels is reduced since the digestion process is slowed down.

Sugary and fatty foods are not encouraged to be eaten by diabetic people. When the blood is already full of sugar, it is not wise to put even more glucose into the body. Doing so may lead to dramatic increase in blood sugar levels causing great damage to physiological systems of the body. Fat is not healthy either since it stops insulin from reaching the blood sugar. Therefore, insulin is enabled to take glucose from the blood stream and bring it to body cells. And the amount of sugar that could have been turned into energy remains in the blood stream. Therefore, medical condition of such a patient gets worse.

So, if you want to stay healthy even being diagnosed with diabetes, keep an eye on what foods you are eating. Avoiding sugary and fatty products will allow to feel better and to reduce the risk of major complications.

Find out more about diabetic diet and how it can assist. Info about recipes, menus and other diabetic diet issues on this website with diabetic diet information.

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Posted on: February 7, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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