Easy Exercises For Six Pack Abs

3rd February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

No matter if you’re a man or a woman, today’s figure hugging fashions call for a slim, trim physique. Popular low rise jeans and snug fitting shirts demand a flat stomach. However, most of us don’t have hours to spend at the gym or the money to spend on personal chefs to cook calorie controlled meals. Thankfully, all it takes is a little discipline and a smart workout regimen that includes effective stomach exercises. In this article, we’ll discuss some simple exercises for six pack abs.

Before you begin any exercise program you should consult a doctor to evaluate your physical condition. Some exercises, particularly abdominal exercises, can cause severe lower back injuries and neck strain. To make yourself more comfortable during floor exercises like crunches and sit ups, use a yoga mat. You can also modify exercises to suit your fitness level. As you get stronger and build your endurance, you can start to do more reps with more weight.

Exercises for six pack abs can be done just about anywhere. Since most people spend much of their time at the office, you can do some abs training right at your desk by borrowing some techniques from yoga and Pilates. A stability ball is an excellent tool for strengthening your core and improving your balance. You can also use the bubble used by physical therapists. Get a large ball and make sure that it is well inflated. Substitute the ball for your chair. It will work your stomach muscles by forcing you to sit up straight and balancing your weight. If you find that you start experiencing back pain, alternate between the chair and the ball.

Even if you don’t have time to leave your desk for a brisk walk, you can still squeeze some exercise into your work day. This exercise can train the lower part of your stomach. Seat yourself on the edge of your chair and support your upper body by grabbing the armrests for balance. Raise your feet an inch off the floor and hold that position for five seconds. Perform that motion ten times. That’s it! To add intensity, raise your feet a little higher and hold the position longer. If you find this exercise too difficult for your fitness level, hold your legs up for a shorter period of time or raise one leg at a time.

Exercises for six pack abs don’t have to be done in the gym. Instead of stewing over traffic jams, use the time to tighten your tummy. All you have to do is repeatedly tighten and relax your ab muscles. You can’t get much simpler than that! Exercise and fitness don’t have to be painful, time consuming chores. With a little discipline, you can have the flat, sexy stomach you’ve always wanted.

Jeremy Larson is a foremost expert in the acid reflux home remedies field. His work has been extensively published in various online publications in the areas of acid reflux home remedies. For more information on the treatment, visit remedyforacidreflux.com.

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