Emotional Freedom Technique As A Cure For Panic Attacks

2nd February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Recognizing stress and actively working to reduce it is an effective Cure For Panic Attacks. Learning to control your emotions and stress might sound difficult but it is really about changing certain habits and behaviors. Stress can mean a whole multitude of things, for some people it might be stressful to maintain finances or their relationship, while others might be stressed at work. Even little things can build up like a domino effect and effect us emotionally and physically, like being late for an important meeting, working overtime or having to deal with a family crisis.

We can sometimes feel that things are spiraling out of control, especially when we begin to suffer mental or physical problems caused by stress. Problems such as muscle tension, palpitations, fatigue, indigestion, teeth grinding, constipation and general nervousness can contribute to further stress build up.

High levels of stress is extremely bad for health and perhaps one of the main causes of mental illnesses. The risk of anxiety disorders developing reduces with regular relief of stress. Most people go about their day ignoring their stress levels but this can have a detrimental effect.

Frequent experiences of stressful anxious situations and emotions can have a negative affect on the mind. Although negative conditioning of the mind affects habits and behavior, it is a reversible process. Social anxiety disorder is such an anxiety disorder that is usually developed from adolescence because of negative experiences.

A person who has suffered stress may not notice the effects it is having on the mind and body from day to day. By recognizing the early signals, and acting on the mind and body’s need for rest and relaxation, the damaging effects of stress will lessen. Changing the way we react to stress is one of the easiest ways to make an impact on health and wellbeing. Taking care of your emotional and physical wellbeing is essentially a preventative cure for panic attacks and other health problems.

Emotional Freedom Technique has been shown to effectively deal with stress, anxiety and tension and easily applied to give immediate relief in some cases. When it comes to How to stop a panic attack, EFT is a simple and natural method that addresses both the physical and emotional symptoms effectively.

The build up of stress hormones and adrenaline can trigger a panic attack and cause various distressing symptoms. It’s important for us to expel these stress hormones. Practicing Emotional Freedom Technique is a great way to do this as well as exercise. Doing exercise is a simple cure for panic attacks as it burns up emotional stress and distracts you from thoughts of anxiety and dread.

When a person is suffering from prolonged anxiety and stress they are more prone to developing psychological health conditions. It’s quite normal for people to go through difficult periods in their life where everything seems to fail and they fall into a rut of constant negative thoughts and low moods.

What we all need to realize is that we do have control of our thoughts and emotions. Of course you shouldn’t feel like you have to go alone, since seeking support from family and friends can help you get through anxiety and stress. Don’t be afraid to get professional Anxiety Help either since psychotherapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy have helped thousands of individuals with anxiety cope and even overcome their disorder.

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Posted on: February 2, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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