Eating Healthy And Nutritious Food

2nd February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Most people have dehydrated and freeze dried food in their emergency food storages. Do you think you will feel healthy if you have to eat this king of food for a long period of time? Such food do not have many vital nutrients. And even though we are used to the lack of them in our everyday life, it is important to have a proper diet if an emergency occurs.
Dehydrated food is a great invention as it has a very long shelf life. This food should be present in your food storage, that is true. These products could easily last for many years. But they are not able to give you and your family something fresh and healthy. You are able to survive a long term emergency with dried foods. But if you want to remain healthy – you need something more than that.

All of us know that we need lots of fresh fruit and vegetables to stay healthy. We also know that it is much better to grow fruit and vegetables ourselves to make sure they are not treated with pesticides and other chemicals. But what could be done if an emergency occurs in winter? This way you will not be able to grow fruit and vegetables for your family. There is a great solution though. Even in such situation you will be able to have living food which is even more nutritious than fully grown garden vegetables.

Sprouts are an important part of emergency food program. Sprouts are full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein and much more. They are able to help your body digest and utilize other types of food you are eating. Sprouts are a great natural source of antioxidants. Sprouts could be called a source of energy as they are full of the B vitamins and vitamin C as well. In fact, sprouts contain more vitamins than mature fruit and vegetable do!

Ninety five percent of sprouts is water. They retain water really well which is a good thing.
They are also very cheap. It takes sprouts for about four to six days to grow. And their growth does not require much effort or care. You will do not need much space as well.
Many health problems occur due to acidic diet. And many Americans today have such a diet. Acidity breaks homeostatic balance and becomes the key factor in the development of many diseases. Sprouts are able to neutralize high levels of acidity in the blood. They reduce the causes and the signs of inflammation and other diseases. Large amounts of antioxidants make sprouts possible cancer fighters.

Due to these characteristics sprouts should become an important part of your emergency diet. And you need to keep this in mind about it when working on your food storage program.

This planet gets “hot” – it’s time to be prepared. Read more about food storage – this information can save your life. Visit this food storage website for useful info in the food storage industry.

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Posted on: February 2, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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