Reiki Attunement — How Can It Be Explained?

1st February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

What in the world is a reiki attunement? To begin with: “attunement” is not a word. It is not in the dictionary. I could not find it. Reiki is a type of healing energy that comes from the invisible power of the universe. It too can not be measured by conventional laboratory instruments. This means it too does not exist in the eyes of science.

But something that seems so unreal, reiki attunements have indeed noticeable effects on people.

I was knock off my feet when I had my first reiki attunement, and I was the biggest sceptic around. It felt as if my legs were like a couple of wet noodles. I could not stop laughing.

Here you can learn more:reiki attunement

Laboratory experiments have been done. Results have shown that the healing power of reiki has a direct effect in patients. Perhaps it is not important how it works as much as that it works.

But how can it be that although a reiki attunement should not work at all, it does? There is a duality going on here. It can be real, and unreal, both at the same time.

Energy during a reiki attunement is invisible, when it is being transmitted. How is this?

Doesn’t it come out of the pure creative powers of our collective consciousness? Isn’t it derived from the quantum zero point field, where infinite possibilities are?

Not just reiki, but everything comes from there. There in this magical place all aspects of reality are born. Every big, or little thing, you can think of. So in truth a reiki attunement is unreal and real like anything else, like a a gust of wind, or a stock market report.

Until you focus on it, according to Quantum physics, nothing is real. At the point of observing, the wave function breaks down into particles, everything is a wave in the beginning, and becomes the things that we experience in our realities.

We love the idea of cosmic energy, and thus reiki attunements work because we want them to work. We could make anything work from that quantum zero point field. There are endless possibilities.

Get more info on reiki attunement here:reiki attunement


Posted on: February 1, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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