Get Helpful Information About Food Storage Inside This Post.

1st February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Today many people try to prepare themselves to any possible emergencies. If a short term emergency occurs, you will have to survive three days before someone will be able to rescue your family. In the case of long term emergency you might have to survive on your own much longer. At the same time most American families usually have less than one week supply of food in their kitchens.

Food storage is a key part of disaster emergencies. In severe winter weather, in the case of fuel crisis or the act of terrorism we will not be able to get food from regular sources. That is why we need to keep certain amount of emergency food at home. Many specialist encourage people to have at least 72 hour emergency food storage. It is even much better for you to have a one month supply of food.

You could often read or hear that different food products are stored for short and long term emergencies. However, some people think that it is a mistake or misunderstanding. The main difference between short term and long term food storage should be in the amount of food products being stored.

Many people know this saying: “Store what you eat and eat what you store”. This means you should not store something you do not like to eat. If you hate canned vegetables – do not get them for your food storage. You will not begin to like them in several years. So why do you need to spend money on something you will never eat? It is much better to get some other types of food that you like and will eat with pleasure. It is hard to understand people who store food that they do not like. They probably do not understand the concept of emergency food storage. If this food will save your life some day, you need to make sure you will be able to eat it.

It is perfect if you have a separate room in your house where you could store your foods and emergency supplies. If you take something from your food storage, do not forget to replace it as soon as possible. Whenever your family has to survive you should have everything you need. Many people store one year supply of food products for long term emergency. Aside from food products it is recommended to have matches, lighters, lamp oil, soap, shampoo, toothpaste and anything else you find useful in your safety room.

Many people also store some coloring books and crayons for their kids. It is very important to keep children occupied if an emergency occurs. This way they will not think about emergency and will not feel scared.

This planet gets nasty – it is high time to be prepared. Read more about food storage – this knowledge can save your life. Visit this food storage web site for interesting info in the food storage industry.

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Posted on: February 1, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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