Find Out More Information About Food Storage Inside This Blog.

31st January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many people today try to make food storage for their families. Lots of Americans want to be prepared to possible short term and long term emergencies. Other families are simply getting prepared to the increase in food prices. If you are one of these people, you have probably started a food storage program in your home. This article should be helpful for those who want to secure their food storage from insects and rodents, from moisture and other possible damages.

When it comes to food storage sanitation is of the primary importance. You should sterilize your food containers before pouring food products into them. For those who are using plastic containers it is important to make sure they are made of food grade plastic. Plastic buckets could be sterilized with diluted bleach solution. Afterwards let them completely dry out before you begin to put food into them.

Food gets deteriorated due to contact with oxygen. This means you need to keep air out of your food containers. If you can your food products, then you need to make sure a lid is sealed properly. When storing bulk food you should try to fill the barrels as close to the top as possible. Either dry ice or oxygen absorbers should be also put inside to ensure that there will be no oxygen.

An important tip is to store your food under proper temperature conditions. A cool and dark place is ideal for food storage. Make sure your food will never get frozen. The same way, make sure your bulk food will never be exposed to temperature above 50 degrees. Most bugs get active above this temperature. Canned foods should be stored in temperature about 70 degrees or even lower than that.

To have effective food storage you need to keep an accurate inventory. Make sure you always write down what is stored and when each item was added to your storage. Another important thing to write down is how much of each food product is there in your storage. This will allow you to save money by not buying extra amounts of the same food product.
It is very important to rotate your food storage. Make sure you use the oldest products in the first place. It might be useful to write the dates on each container. You could use a permanent marker for this purpose.

If you follow these simple tips, you will be able to feel confident about the future and you will get prepared to possible emergencies. You will also protect your food from any kinds of possible damage. If you start a food storage program today, you will also be able to save money on purchasing most food products as prices keep going higher.

This planet gets nasty – time to be prepared. Read more about food storage – this info can save your life. Visit this food storage website for useful updates in the food storage industry.

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Posted on: January 31, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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