Secrets To A Lean Body: After Workout Nutrition

28th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You may have heard already that what your post workout meal is the most important one of the day. You’re always looking for ways on how to lose weight fast, but at this time you should take special care. This is because of the effect your coritsol levels are having on the breakdown of muscle. Also, the glycogen in your muscle has been depleted.

You are in a catabolic state (a bad thing) that needs to be reversed into an anabolic state (a good thing) by eating a meal after your workout that is easily digested.The carbs will restore your muscles’ glycogen and the protein will help supply amino acids to repair your muscle.

Your pancreas will release nutrients into the muscle cells as a result of the influx of insulin caused by the carbohydrates and amino acids from your meal.The meal after your workout should be from 300-500 calories to be effective. This depends on weight of course.The meal should contain a carbohydrate-protein ration of 2:1 to 4:1.

This meal should be very low in fat, since fat will slow down digestion.You must realize that you don’t need those post workout supplements that are advertised: natural is better.

Honey, pineapple, raisins or organic maple syrup are great sources of carbohydrates that can be digested easily.The insulin response I just mentioned depends on this.

For the protein you need , try some yogurt with some non-denatured whey isolate.

Be sure to keep following my advice on how to lose weight fast.Here’s a suggestion for how to make a smoothie that will be great for after your workout:

Banana Chocolate Smoothie. Mix up 1-1/2 frozen bananas with a cup of water and a 1/2 cup of skim milk.Also put in chocolate whey protein (30 grams) and two tablespoons of organic maple syrup.This solution will give you half a gram of fat, protein: 38 grams, carbohydrates:72 grams, for a total of 440 calories.

Vanilla pineapple smoothie.Mix together a cup of water, vanilla yogurt (1/2 cup), frozen pineapples (1 cup), raw honey (2 tablespoons), and vanilla whey protein (30 grams).This gives you 38 grams of protein, 1/2 a gram of fat, 71 grams of carbohydrates, and 425 calories.

If you’re trying to reduce body fat, you must have post workout eating habits that are the reverse of the rest of yo ur meals.Healthy fats, proteins that are released slowly, low glycemic carbs characterize your normal meals and should contrast with what you eat after working out.

By paying attention to your post workout meal, you have a great strategy that helps you build that lean, muscular body you’ve always wanted.One last thing: since sugar will go to your muscles rather than your belly, your after-workout meal is the only time you can get away with satisfying that sweet tooth… have fun!

For any other questions, please visit our weight loss forum, go to for a free fat loss report.

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