Laser And Its Myths Regarding Toenail Fungal Infection Treatment

19th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Toenail fungus is a serious infection that a lot of people overlook and due to the lack of awareness pertaining to this fungal infection, most of them do not know how to treat the issue when it actually occurs. There are some methods that have gained popularity as means of healing the infection. These would incorporate soaking your feet in Listerine, vinegar or tea tree oil, and opting for oral medicines or ointments. However, these home treatments do not solve the issue. The latest researches have shown that laser treatments are the best ways of handling fungal infection in the toenails. Long Island pinpointe laser toenail treatment, under the skillful leadership of Dr. Orlandi has proved to be immensely helpful in the treatment of toenail fungus.

The reasons for adopting a remedy for your toenail fungus are numerous. Firstly, a tiny speck of fungus can cause damage, as it is capable of spread extremely quickly. Fungus in the toenail is extremely transmissible and affects anything that physically touches it. The fungus spreads quickly from one toenail to another which can lead to problems. The fungus starts with showing signs like pigmented and thickened toenails and it moves on and spreads quickly and may lead to painful toenails. Also, this infection makes the toes look a doctor who will cure your toenail fungus through laser therapy, there are several things you must keep in mind. Firstly, check yellow pages and ask people to find a doctor who excels in laser treatments. Once you have found such a doctor, conduct a thorough background check. This will include verifying the authenticity of the clinic he works for and, more vitally, the skills and experience of the doctor who will treat you. Ensure that you choose clinic where you will be given individual attention and the doctor can give you enough time to counter the fungus without rushing into anything. Next, check if the clinic has all the required tools so that it is available as soon as it is required. Also, get information about the bonus benefits that each clinic offers. Some clinics offer anti-fungal sterilizers for your footwork and even anti-fungal nail enamel.

The laser therapy for toenail fungus uses rays that are almost infra-red. These rays seep through the thickened nails to kill the fungal pathogens beneath the toenail. You will not find visible signs of cure immediately. It takes time for the dead fungus to move out of the nail bed as the nail keeps growing. One sitting of laser treatment should be enough to cure the infection unless it is at a highly advanced stage. The success rate} for laser treatment has been documented as more than eighty five percent effective. Treating each toe with laser therapy takes a couple of minutes. Laser treatments are very safe and have no side-effects whatsoever. There is no recovery period, as you can do all things that you normally do.

Therefore it is evident that laser treatments are the best solution for toenail fungus but they can be expensive. Insurance companies do not even cover laser treatments. However, this is important and there is no recompense for your good health.

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