Dish Out A Romantic Meal

18th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you want to spend some passionate and romantic moments with your partner, then a romantic meal can be your best chance. As one says, the way to a person’s heart is through his stomach. A good romantic meal won’t only leave your guy impressed but will also serve as a perfect proof of your thoughtfulness.

Once you have decided to dish out a romantic meal, step 1 would be to pick a menu. Many people make the frequent mistake of trying something highly different. Even though it is great to try different cuisines, there’s always a risk attached.

Your entire effort of dishing a romantic meal will go waste if your partner doesn’t like what you have cooked. So, stick to the basics and don’t go with something intensely experimental. This doesn’t suggest that you have to eat the regular food. Cook similar things but in different styles and with different flavours.

While you plan the best of meals, it is critical that you take the health quotient of your other half as well under consideration. You would not need your better half’s cholesterol levels to shoot up after some romantic moments. Also, ensure that you keep the meal light else you would finish up dozing off by the time you finish eating the last bite.

Start planning. Make a check list of all the ingredients that you’d need for your meal well in advance. You also need to check for other prerequisites. For instance, if you need to use the grill, guarantee that there’s enough fuel to run the grill. You will start purchasing the ingredients you want but don’t buy too much in advance as some ingredients are best just when fresh.

When you start cooking, you have several methods to go about the same– baking, steaming, deep frying and the like. But it is grilling that may keep up the romance quotient of your meals. The aroma of griddled foods is bound to set your better half’s heart beat racing. Besides, griddled food has a taste of real fire, which isn’t feasible to beat.

When you’re done with the cooking, it is time to serve the food. All the efforts that you had spent on cooking the food will go waste, if you don’t serve the food right. Get out your best crockery to serve the meal you have prepared with so much love. Also, don’t forget to garnish your food the right way.

Set the dining table and ensure that it is not too crowded. Put on some candles coupled with pretty flowers and you are sure to have the most romantic meal of your life.

Get to know more about halthy ways to manage cholesterol and foods that that can help lower cholesterol. If you want to lower your cholestrol levels, you need to read here.

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