The Best 5 Ways To Prevent Snoring

17th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Snoring is a medical condition that not only affects the person doing the snoring; it can mean a sleepless night for the co-sleeper too. It gets even worse because some people snore so loud at night that they can keep the whole house awake! It doesn’t matter if you are the person doing the snoring or if you are the one trying to cover your ears, you can read on to familiarize yourself with five easy ways to Prevent Snoring for good.

Losing Weight: Despite the fact that not everyone who snores is obese or overweight, a good percentage are. As you know, excess pounds can lead to a number of health complications, but it may also be your snoring culprit. See, you snore when your airways are restricted and excess weight only narrows your airways more. Losing weight isn’t as easy as it sounds on paper, but you can start to develop short and long-term goals for success.

Quit Smoking: We have always known that smoking can cause respiratory problems, but it can also be the cause of your nightly snoring. This is because smoking can cause nose and lung congestion and this congestion blocks your airways and results in snoring. As you know, it is a lot harder to quit than most smokers originally think. You don’t need to quit cold turkey; you can reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke by weaning yourself carefully. Once you are completely smoke free, you will notice a decrease in snoring and you will soon be able to prevent snoring for good. If you are not a smoker, still reduce your risk by avoiding second-hand smoke.

Adjust Your Sleep Position: Snoring is caused by the blockage of your airways and this causes your soft palate to vibrate against the back of your throat. Most often, this blockage is caused by throat, mouth, and tongue muscles that relax too much. Adjusting your sleep position can affect their relaxation and the position in which they do it. The goal is to lessen the restriction of your airways. Most snorers see almost immediate results by switching to side sleeping, as opposed to back sleeping. Slightly elevating your head can produce similar results too.

Try Over-the-Counter Products: You will find no shortage of over-the-counter products designed to stop snoring in its tracks. A few of your options include Snoring Mouthpieces, nasal strips, snoring sprays, snoring pillows, and more. A popular choice for long-lasting results in a dental mouthpiece that is constructed of soft plastic and it works to adjust the jaw. It reduces the likelihood of your tongue and throat muscles from blocking the windpipe. Those who want to sleep on their sides, but cannot stay in that position all night long can benefit from a snoring pillow that prevents back sleeping.

Speak to Your Doctor: In most cases, you can prevent snoring by trying an over-the-counter product or a home remedy; however, snoring can also be the cause of a more serious condition, such as sleep apnea. Whether you go to your doctor right from the start or after unsuccessfully trying home remedies or over-the-counter products, you will be on your way to long-term relief. While typically reserved for as a last resort, surgery may be the best way to prevent your snoring.

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