Distance Running

16th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You have decided to be engaged in fitness? Have estimated advantages of an active way of life? Wish to be in shape? By the way last two offers are practically a literal translation of word «fitness».

Let’s begin with definition. So, FITNESS. What is such? Something new, borrowed, as always at the progressive West? Certainly no! The healthy way of life was is and will be for a conscious part of our population, a voluntary and independent choice at all times. Why we name its foreign word? We will leave it out of discussion. Probably there are reasons on which today there were no synonyms to many concepts, to the phenomena, trades etc. So athletes and tourists, fans of run and bicycle walks, owners of skis, the fads and rollers, visitors of sports clubs and choreographic classes, football players, hockey players, volleyball players, tennis players, say, all supporters of an active way of life can safely rank themselves as adherents of fitness.

Having cleared up definition we can also say that fitness is an entertainment for rich and obligatory membership in prestigious sports club. To be in the form, to conduct an active way of life is quite possible, being engaged independently, using as stock a house velosimulator, dumbbells, a videocassette with aerobics Sindi Crawford, a footpath in park or a path at stadium. In a word who wants searches for a way…

The concept «fitness» is wider and more global. It is really healthy way of life in all its various displays. Becoming its supporter you win more valuable prize than what has been planned by you as an overall objective of visiting of an exercise room or aerobics studio. Not a secret that an occasion to active employment by physical culture reflexion in a mirror becomes frequent only. The understanding and comprehension of necessity of change of a way of life as a whole comes later. In any case choosing fitness you in a prize! Solving private problems on weight reduction or increase in volume of muscles, you will get, keep, increase HEALTH.

Movement is a necessary kind of human activity. Limiting and reducing impellent activity we put an irreparable harm to the organism. Successes and achievements of science and technology have rendered us in this sense an ill turn. Cars, lifts, home appliances, the TV and the computer, facilitating a life, became the reason our full apathy. Cardiovascular diseases strongly keep the first place among the death rate reasons in economically developed countries. Low physical activity, excess weight, stresses, smoking and the excessive use of alcohol are risk factors of development of an atherosclerosis, an ischemic heart trouble, a heart attack of a myocardium, hypertensive illness and a stroke. It is clear how fitness becomes the most effective and effective preventive maintenance of these pathological conditions.

Obviously distance running can assist a lot with the general fitness and health of your body. So, if you are interested in the runners training diet or distance running technique information – please visit this site.

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Posted on: January 16, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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