Energy Healing — Energy Healing Can Be Very Powerful.

16th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Energy healing is very powerful at a certain level. This energy healer in Java is probably the most powerful energy healer I have ever seen.

Get more info on energy healing here:energy healing

This awesome energy healer is a Taoist kung fu master. Not many people can do what he can do. He is one in one thousand people who have this awesome gift of chi manipulation. He is an Olympic athlete in the sport of energy healing. His main focus is healing. He does this with acupuncture. He combines this with the chi bio energy that he transmits through the needles.

The intensity that he can concentrate his chi is unimaginable by our standards.

Although gifted, he still had to train for decades to achieve this level of power. Fantasy films is where you will find the things he can do for real. With only 2% of his chi powers he is able to put big men to the floor unconscious. He survived a car crash that would have normally killed him through the concentration of his chi. He can heal people in an instant.

Learn more right here:energy healing schools

There is no doubt that he is the most dangerous man on earth, but he chooses to heal people for free. He became a self made millionaire, although he came from the streets. Energy healing, I think, is what you can directly link his success to.

This man uses his powers for the good of all, and this is how his success is magnified. Since everything we think, whether good or bad, starts in our auras first, the energy healing he focuses can only also benefit himself.

We do not need to have super powers. Anyone can use chi energy to heal others. But you will need proper training.

The important thing is to help others. Give people want they want, not what you want, this is the real secret to energy healing success. The reason for this is that when you give people what they want, ultimately you will get what you want. What I’m saying is you should not be used by people, or give everything away for free: this is not a healthy way of doing things.

Some kind of an energetic balance must exist. In my example of the millionaire healer, although he does indeed heal for free, there is some kind of universal balance happening. It probably works like this: the more he uses his powers for the good of all, the more success he experiences in his business life.

All you have to do is: focus on the good, and the good will focus on you. Just try it out. If you try, or learn energy healing, you will see what kind of success it will bring you. Get powerful energy healing here:energy healing school


Posted on: January 16, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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