What Should Be Done To Stop Anxiety Attacks

10th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Millions of people in the United States struggle with anxiety attacks, which can happen anywhere. In addition to being a horrific experience for the mind, this physical issue is also debilitating physically.

Do you currently live with anxiety attacks? If so, you need to know that you are not alone and that while horrible, your doctor can help. Instead of struggling at school, work, and even home, now is the time to take action so you can get on the right treatment to stop anxiety attacks and regain control of your life.

Along with the anxiety attack, other physical problems often arise such as horrible headache, stomachache, chest pain, overwhelming worry, irritation, and the list goes on. However, by working with your doctor, you can get help. Your doctor would first conduct a number of tests to determine if anything else is going on or if the anxiety attacks are the single problem.

Today, tremendous research is going on as medical experts and scientists try to find the true trigger for anxiety attacks. While there are different opinions, the one thing that most experts believe is that anxiety attacks are inherited. However, other reasons that are currently being studied include chemical imbalance in the brain, post traumatic stress disorder, and more. Again, no one knows for sure but the anticipation is that an answer will soon be found.

The one thing that everyone agrees on is that certain illnesses are inherited. For instance, neurotransmitters within the brain send out messages so when chemicals within the neurotransmitters are imbalanced, normal communication and function is disrupted. Even a trauma or sudden change in life can also trigger an anxiety attack. As an example, going through a divorce, dealing with the death of a loved one, having a spouse shipped offer to Iraq, and so on are all contributors to the development or worsening of anxiety attacks.

If you live with anxiety attacks, even if occasional, chances are you are tired of the stomach pain, headaches, and chest pain that goes along with each attack. Keep in mind that anxiety attacks are no laughing matter. In fact, some people experience attacks so severe that they feel identical to a heart attack, causing the person to head to the emergency room at the nearest hospital.

Remind yourself that you do not have to suffer. With proper treatment, you can once again live a normal, happy life.

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