Get Helpful Information About The History Of Bach Flower. Inside This Post.

5th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Dr. Bach was the first to discover the healing properties of the plants due to their inner energy. This discovery was made in the 1930’s in England. At that time he was very interested in homeopathy but found out that not all homeopathic medicines are made from the safe stuff. Some of them tend to have side effects and can even do harm. Therefore Dr. Bach decided to look for the remedies without side effects and completely safe for the human.

That’s how he discovered his flower essences. At first he though that the essences were useful only humans, but soon it was found out that they are good for animals too and even plants. Dr. Bach found 38 flower essences dealing with the different emotional disorders. Each essence works with the definite problem. There are also ways to solve complex troubles by using the Bach flower mixtures which are carefully selected. One of the most powerful Bach medicines is Rescue Remedy. It is very helpful in case of shock because of emergency, accident etc.

Flower essence influence is very similar to that of homeopathic remedies. The essences are prepared in the following way in general. Parts of the plants are mixed with the spring water, then one of the preparing methods is used. After that the plants are taken out and the rest is filtered and preserved to save the healing properties. Therefore, the flower essences are in fact liquids. These remedies don’t have the real impact on the physical body, they work with inner energy like other spheres of the complementary medicine. Their effect is applied to the mental and emotional sides of the human being. Dr. Bach supposed that the reason of physical illness is first of all in the negative emotional state of the person. Then if the emotional balance is achieved, the physical diseases will disappear themselves.

That’s why actually flower essence can be helpful to cure all types of disorders, both physical, and mental, and emotional. They are closely connected and influence each other. Bach essences deal with the deepest level of the inner balance. They restore the balance of the vital force. The vital force is the kind of energy like that in the plants but inheres in people. When we become ill, we suffer the lack of vital force and that’s why we feel sick, weak and tired. The Bach essences heal our inner world and restore the balance of the vital force. Each essence is the specific inner pattern and thus restores the corresponding part of the inner balance. This is the reason why the definite essences cure the definite disorders. Dr. Bach’s followers create their own mixtures to heal more and more complex diseases. In general, all Bach essences relieve from the negative emotions and bring calm.
Discover a new world with Bach essences!

Those who are looking for more info more about Bach flower training – go to this site which is run by a professional Bach flower practitioner practitioner who has assisted many people with the Bach flower practitioner.

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Posted on: January 5, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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