Drop Dress Sizes With FDA Consulting Accepted Supplements

4th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You want to lose your excess weight naturally but none of the advice in books and magazines works. It can take much longer to do your weekly shopping when you have to inspect every food label. However ‘low fat’ on a label does not mean that the food is good for you.

Mistake 1: You assume that what you eat and drink is good enough.

This is a common nutrition mistake. People tend to believe and act on what they read. Just because there are few calories in a food does not mean it is nutritious. Processed foods cannot replace fresh produce. There are certain nutrients that are lost during the processing. Fruit fresh from the tree or ground is better than fruit juices as they are often packed with sugar. As much as they claim to be 100% fresh, these juices still do not contain as much nutrients as fresh fruits do.

Mistake 2: Over-eating and Under-eating.

in dieting, people can be fooled by two methods of fat loss. Even if you stick to low-carb, low-fat diets, if you eat too much you will still see weight gain instead of loss, Not eating enough will also result in weight gain because it will influence your insulin levels promoting storage of fats. Small regular meals are better than 2 or three heavy ones.

Mistake 3: Using numerous supplements.

Supplements can be of vitamins, minerals and other compounds our body needs. But those which are targeted for weight loss are sometimes dangerous as they have not undergone FDA consulting to make sure they are safe for human consumption. Only take supplements if your doctor has advised and they should be those recommended by your GP.

Different weight loss programmes work for some people and not others, it may take you some time to find one that works for you. Bottom line, seeking the advice of reliable health practitioners should be your first step in nutrition weight loss plan.

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