Storing Honey.

3rd January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Even though honey is usually great for food storage, because it doesn’t spoil without adding preservatives and additives, but liquid honey is prone to chemical and physical changes during long term food storage. Liquid honey tends to get darker and lose some of its taste and aroma. After a while, honey also crystallizes and becomes lumpy. And even though it doesn’t change the quality and taste of honey, it affects its appearance greatly. That is why a certain expiration date is often stated on the honey jars for commercial purposes.

Many sources state that honey should be stored at the room temperature and should be kept away from too hot or too cold areas. The problem with this honey storage tip is that it might be confusing for many people, as room temperature is different in every country. Room temperature in some regions can reach 35 degrees Celsius and refrigerating honey is not an option either because cold temperatures accelerate the process of crystallization. It is also important to know that the level of crystallization of honey also depends on its type. For example, Tupelo honey is known to be resistant to crystallization process much better than other honey types.

It is recommended to store honey at the temperature of about 21-27 degrees Celsius or 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit in a dry place like a cupboard. You should also make sure the lid is tight on the jar, because honey easily absorbs moisture, which also leads to worse quality of the product. It is also important to store honey away from direct sunlight, because it could also influence its properties. This is the reason why a lot of honey is stored in dark containers. But the dark honey packaging doesn’t allow consumers to evaluate the crystallization, color, clarity and viscosity of honey. Many consumers prefer glass containers for storing honey, because it doesn’t change its properties, doesn’t react to honey and it is clear to see the quality of honey.

If you still see that your honey got crystallized, it is still possible to bring it back to its natural state. You can place the granulated honey in the jar over the hot water and, when the honey crystals are dissolved, take the jar away from the heat and cool it down as fast as possible. The most important thing to remember is never to boil the honey.

A lot of people like honey for its useful qualities for our health and prefer to add it to their food storage. Honey has a long shelf life and can be easily restored from its crystallized condition. Honey can be a great substitute to sugar in many recipes and will be a perfect addition to your food storage.

Do you know that food storage can save you from lots of problems during all sorts of emergency situations. Learn more about food storage on this food storage web site.

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Posted on: January 3, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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