Do You Want to Stop Anxiety Attacks Fast?

31st December, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Have you suffered with anxiety like millions of other Americans? Anxiety attacks can happen at home or at work. It can appear as a heart attack or an oppsessive compulsive behavior. These symptoms will interfere with a person’s daily life at school, work, social activities as well as personal relationships. That is why it is so necessary to stop anxiety attacks when they first arise.

Some of the manifestations of anxiety are severe headaches, stomach disorders, severe chest pains, disproportionate worry, agitation and more. In order to stop anxiety attacks you need to recognize the problem and have it diagnosed by a professional. He will take the required tests to rule out any actual medical problems to properly treat the anxiety disorder.

There have been many studies done to discover the source of anxiety attacks. They have discovered it comes from these three sources, a person’s genes, environmental situations, and chemical abnormalities in the brain.

These studies have found a relationship between family history and inherited illnesses such as anxiety attacks. Neurotransmitters in the brain send chemical messages from one nerve cell to another. Correct flow can be intreupted by inordinate amounts of certain chemicals in the brain. Anxiety attacks can also be caused by sudden or traumatic changes in one’s environment. Going through stressful situations such as the death of someone very close, divorce or being in the military can all be contributing factors that worsen anxiety.

Anxiety attacks are quite different from the usual butterflies you may feel when asked to speak in public or starting a new job. A person experiencing an anxiety attack is quite sure they are dying and are in need of medical attention. Before someone has definitively been diagnosed with this disorder they will have often times visited the emergency room on several occasions thinking they have a heart condition.

It is adamant if you find yourself experiencing these types of symptoms that you seek a proper diagnosis so that you are able to get the treatment necessary to carry on your life. Being able to complete even the simplest tasks will be impossible without professional intervention and care to stop anxiety attacks.

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